Stage 2: Exploring relevant dimensions of diversity
Building on the Scaling Strategy activity from Stage 1, the project team will now explore the dimensions of diversity relevant to a particular context and scaling ambition. First, the innovation team will explore their own composition to ensure an accurate representation of disciplines and experiences.
What are dimensions of diversity?
Dimensions of diversity refer to gender, wealth status, literacy level, indigeneity, land ownership, marital status, family size, religion and other aspects of social status or norms that have implications on who does or who does not benefit from the scaling of an innovation.
Each dimension of diversity corresponds with certain groups, for example:
- Wealth: being rich or poor
- Age: being young or old
- Gender: being a woman or a man
- Land tenure: owning or renting land
This stage will allow the project team to think through different challenges and opportunities of potential end-users to use the innovation. Additionally, the project team will use this information to prioritize relevant diversities in Stage 3.

Team Composition
- Duration of activity: 10 minutes
- Materials needed: stable internet connection and projector
Instructions for the facilitator
- Go through the “Team Composition” slides before you meet with your team. Make sure you understand the concepts and terms that are used.
- At the end of the presentation, take some time to answer questions and facilitate a discussion. You may use the following questions as prompts.
- What dimensions of diversity are evident on your scaling team?
- How might you adjust scaling team members’ roles to better reflect their backgrounds and expertise?
- Is there anyone (including user representatives) that has been left out of scaling discussions? How might you include them moving forward?
Relevant Diversity Videos
Instructions for the facilitator
- Play the videos on relevant diversity and the two types of relevant diversity. These are included in the Workshop Flow slides.
- After participants have watched the videos, ask if there are any questions, and if so, answer them.
Scaling Team Diversity Discussion
Instructions for the facilitator
- Ask the following questions of your innovation team prior to thinking more about relevant diversity for innovation users.
- What dimensions of diversity are evident on your scaling team?
- How might you adjust scaling team members’ roles to better reflect their backgrounds and expertise?
- Is there anyone (including user representatives) that has been left out of scaling discussions? How might you include them moving forward?
Dimensions of Diversity Survey
- Duration of activity: 25 minutes
- Materials needed: Stable internet connection, a laptop or computer per participant
Instructions for the facilitator
- The participants will now, each individually, fill in the Qualtrics survey. You will need to share the Qualtrics link with them at this time.
- Note: You can ask participants to fill in the survey as homework if you are splitting the workshop across multiple days, or have them do it during the workshop.
- After participants have filled in the survey, you will discuss the results in the next activity.
- If you are conducting the survey offline, please print both the survey and survey worksheet from the Toolkit and provide a copy to each participant.
Survey Discussion - in Miro
- Duration of activity: 90 minutes
When all participants have submitted the survey, you will see the aggregated data in the Qualtrics Report. To find this, please follow the link shared by the GenderUp team. The report includes various graphs that show how many times different dimensions of diversity were marked. You may share this report link with participants.
If you conducted the survey offline, ask participants to add up their scores on the survey worksheet. Then tally up the results from all participant responses. Note, this will take some time so you may want to schedule this during a lunch break, or at the end of the workshop day if you are splitting the workshop over multiple days.
The goal of this discussion is to arrive at a common understanding of what the most influential dimensions of diversity are. A number of 3-5 dimensions is preferred.
Instructions for the facilitator
Complete the Survey discussion in MIRO
- Open up the same MIRO link as before.
Here is a visual of the MIRO Board for Stage 2:

Well done! You have completed Stage 2. In the next stage, you will think about possible unintended consequences of your innovation and identify groups that are likely to face the most negative consequences of scaling