What can you expect as a GenderUp participant?
Are you on an innovation team that is ready to scale an innovation more inclusively and responsibly? If so, we are excited to invite you on the GenderUp Journey.
When joining a GenderUp workshop, you can expect an engaging, discussion-based experience. The workshop facilitator will guide you and your innovation team through an interactive process to transform your existing scaling strategy into one that mitigates negative impacts for vulnerable groups of people and also ensures all intended users can benefit from your innovation.
Through this approximately 8-hour process, you will explore concepts such as gender and scaling, intersectionality, and mitigating activities through a set of learning slides. You will get to share your personal perspective through a survey that allows you to identify the social groups who may be most at risk of experiencing negative impacts or not benefiting from your innovation when it is introduced. Most importantly, your team will dive deep into discussing mitigating activities or complementary innovations you could introduce in order to ensure all intended users are benefiting equitably from your innovation. All of these points are incorporated into the end product of GenderUp, a new and improved scaling strategy!

GenderUp Objectives
1. Understand social dimensions relevant to innovation users in your scaling context.
2. Identify how gender intersects with these social dimensions to impact the experience of vulnerable social groups with your innovation.
3. Collaboratively develop activities that mitigate negative impacts on these social groups.
4. Create a new and improved scaling strategy that reaches and benefits all intended innovation users equitably.
GenderUp Benefits
1. Provides a platform for intentional team discussions on social inclusion and intersectionality in innovation.
2. Participants learn new scaling topics and apply them to real innovation experiences.
3. Results in a more inclusive and responsible scaling strategy with structured integration.
4. Helps teams address Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) objectives.
Ready to participate in a workshop?
Click the link below to Contact Us and we will connect you with a facilitator.